Friday, October 26, 2012

Last Day in SFO

California is a very confusing place to drive, especially a 23 foot RV!  I was very glad to return the RV this morning and hop on BART to downtown.  Tonight I'm staying at the Holiday Inn; I fly out tomorrow morning for MSN. 

After I checked in to my hotel, I stopped at a cute cafe called the American Griddle and had a burger and salad.  Yummy!  To burn that off, I walked, and walked, and walked Market Street. 

 Don't you love the architecture?!  Just stunning.  I felt very much the tourist, always looking up! 

Lots of interesting people along the way also.  These gentlemen were playing chess.

And when I stopped at Coffee Beans and Tea Leaves for an iced tea, this gentleman was entertaining us while we sipped our coffee/tea.  He had a great voice!

I also saw a few doors along the way that I liked.

Okay, so the first door was hard to see through the traffic and pedestrians; take my word for it, it was cool.  :0)

Finally,  on my way back to my hotel I saw a farmer/flea market going on near the UN building.  Didn't buy anything, but it was cool to browse.

Heading down to the bar for a drink and dinner.  Sad that the adventure is almost over, but it will be nice to be home with Yogi; I really miss him!

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Door County, Wisconsin

Peninsula State Park, Door County, Wisconsin