Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Adventures in Bayfield

This weekend I figured out why most people living in the Northwoods drive a truck or SUV....little cars get stuck.  Yep, I got stuck.  I consider myself a resourceful and independent person, able to get myself out of the many jams I seem to get myself into.  This time the weather conspired against me.  I thought I could get some fantastic photos at Sand Bay Beach park on my way to Meyers Beach and the ice caves.  Like I said, I'm independent, think of myself as invincible (I am woman!) and having grown up in the snow and cold, can drive in the white stuff with the best of them.  Reality comes back to bite you in the butt in the Northwoods.  Not only did I get myself stuck in the snow, I had to ask a DNR Ranger to assist me in getting unstuck.  Nature 1, Judi 0.

The second attempt at adventure was the hike to the ice caves lookout.  The sign said 1.8 miles.  No problem, I've hiked in the woods before.  I even convinced a couple to hike to the overlook after they saw I was doing it by myself.  Hah!  Little did I realize how hazardous the terrain to the ice caves could be!  Needless to say, after sliding down a couple steep parts of the trail, crossing a running creek on well placed rocks and attempting not once, or twice, but three times to hike up a snowy, slippery incline, I gave up.  The trail kicked my butt.  I hiked back to the trail head and headed to my room for a nice hot shower and a chair in front of the fireplace to watch the Olympics.  Nature 2, Judi 0.

Not until today when I left did the sun decide to come out.  And man was it glorious!  It looked like a picture postcard outside my window.  If you click on the link below, you can view the best pictures from my trip.  Maybe I should add them to my Wisconsin calendar...what do you think?  Let me know your favorite.  :-)

Bayfield Photos!

Bayfield, Wisconsin

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My adventures with my camera.

Door County, Wisconsin

Peninsula State Park, Door County, Wisconsin