Friday, June 3, 2011

Flagstaff or Bust!

I finally arrived in Flagstaff, AZ at 6:30 this evening.  It was a long day.

My first task was to get out of Madison, which proved harder than I thought it should have been.  My "shortcut" to the Interstate turned into a fiasco, but I finally made it, albeit almost 30 minutes later.  Don't ask.  I'm rolling my eyes, too, believe me.  I did make it to Milwaukee, but again, had problems.  I intended to park at the far parking lot and take the shuttle to the terminal, but somehow missed it.  I drove around the airport twice before I finally found parking in the ramp.  Remember, I'm parked on level Red 2 D-E!  Oh, but the fun doesn't end there.  For some reason I looked at the departure board and was confused when I couldn't find Albuquerque (hereinafter "ABQ", I'm not typing that all night).  Duh, I was flying to Minneapolis first.  I know, I have no idea what I was thinking.

After getting water and a book (Tina Fey's "Bossypants") I settled in at the gate.  The rest of the trip was uneventful, but I did meet a couple of women at the gate in Minneapolis who figured out I was hip after they found me reading the Tina Fey book.  In ABQ they were giving me a hard time (I was pretending to ignore them :o)  ) at the car rental counter.

After signing my life away at the car rental counter, a lovely woman named Sharon at the Alamo lot saw that I had an economy car and told me she was upgrading me (score!) and to pick out any car in one of the rows.  I chose a Chevy HHR (it was one of the cars I was considering purchasing and now know not to); I love the feeling of being in a bigger vehicle.  When I finally had to gas up in Arizona, I couldn't figure out how to open the gas tank.  I looked all over the dash, accidentally opened the hood and finally called Alamo.  Duh, you have to push on the tank and it "springs" open.  Problem solved, or so I thought.  I had to call back a few minutes later because the gas cap said "E85".  Found out I can put regular gas in the tank.  Whew!  And, since I had been drinking a lot of water (it was 93 degrees in ABQ) I had to pee this whole time.  Doh!  Now, before you laugh or roll your eyes, take a look at the picture below and tell me you would have figured out how to open the gas tank!  :0)

The dinosaurs were also at this gas station/truck stop.  These guys are heading out to nab that semi truck on the highway.  :0)

I didn't make too many stops on the way to Flagstaff, but I have enclosed a few pictures below.  An interesting story behind the white church.  This was actually a scenic wayside and the lady there in one of the huts was selling beautiful jewelry she'd made.  She told me the church was over 300 years old!  I just thought it was a cool settlement and saw lots of cliff dwellings and beautiful mesas along the way, but didn't have an opportunity to stop along the highway unless it was a pit stop or wayside as they were infrequent.   At the first stop where I shot the picture of the church, I met an adorable chuhuahua named Gus.  Boy did he have energy!  I wanted to get a picture of Gus, but he was way too fast for me and my camera.

One last tidbit, if you ever come to Flagstaff, which, by the way is an adorable little town at the base of the mountains (Elevation 7000), the BEST pizza is at Fratelli's Pizza.  It was awesome.

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