Saturday, July 18, 2009

Life in a Hostel

Life in a hostel is a very interesting microcosm of society. I thought it would be just young people, you know the sort, party all night, etc., but boy was I wrong. Very nice, responsible, respectful young people. And not just young people, people my age and older also. I even saw a few young couples with small children.

The only draw back I think to a hostel is the lack of privacy. However, the lack of privacy out weighs the friendships you make. I met a young girl named Shanna, from Edinburgh, Scotland, who has been here for a month job searching. Unfortunately, no job offers came and she is heading back to Scotland on Thursday. But we had a great conversation last night and to tell you the truth, I just loved listening to her lilt!

The pros of staying in a hostel: kitchen to cook your own food; somebody around all the time to "hang" with; laundry's like being at home except you don't have to clean up and you're only responsible for picking up your own stuff! I love it!

Interesting thing about the toilets here....they have two flush buttons....1 and can guess when you use which. Sorry there's no 3 when you do both so you have to decide..... :0)

The food here is fantastic! You RCers will appreciate the meal I had last night at Moxie's Grill on Davie Street.....Fish tacos! They were great, but as you know I don't like a lot of spice, so had to forego the sauce. Then I had this wonderful dessert (you know I always go for the dessert) of a dense chocolate cake drizzled with toffee and topped with toasted almonds and a scoop of ice cream on the side. OMG! It was the best dessert ever!

It is 7:44 a.m. here in Vancouver on Saturday and I'm off to plan my day. I hope to take a bike tour around Stanley Park and also jump on a sightseeing bus and take a tour of the city. Until tomorrow....toodles!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Judi! It's after 9pm here so you've had your first full day of sightseeing in Vancouver. I enjoyed your post and was pleasantly surprised that you are hosteling (uh? is that a word?) with interesting people - people that are normal, just like us! wink wink :-D Did you enjoy the sights around Stanley Park? Is it like our national or state parks? Walking and biking trails, playgrounds and campsites, picnic tables? How large is Vancouver - what is the population? Any interesting historical buildings? Can't wait to see the photos.
    You're in my thoughts. Thanks for keeping us informed of your travels. I enjoy reading your posts very much. Take care!


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Door County, Wisconsin

Peninsula State Park, Door County, Wisconsin