Sunday, February 28, 2010


To say the least, if you've been watching the news, you know we've had very interesting days here in Hawaii.  After arriving at the Honolulu airport at 10:00 p.m. (Hawaii time), we finally made it to our room by midnight, only to be awakened by the police blaring the announcement:  "  Emergency!  Emergency!  Tsunami warning."  Holy crap.  Nothing else wakes you up faster.  After freaking out, we went to the front desk of our hotel where we were told to stock up on water and food.  We set out to find both, only to discovery everyone else was also.  We never did find anything, so Plan B became find a vending machine, fill the ice bucket and eat the food I brought with me in my carry on. 

Panicking being over, we decided to enjoy this new adventure and waited in our room for the tsunami.  Nothing.  After the all clear was given, we left the hotel about 2:00 p.m. and stood in line for 3 hours just to wait while the people on the ship disembarked (they were part of the armada out on the horizon we could see) so we could embark.  After settling in to our cabin and eating dinner on the deck of the ship (awesome) we checked out the Mardi Gras room where played bingo and won....we received a cool pic frame and free tickets to the luau!  Woohoo! 

Today its raining in Maui, but we made it to the Maui mall and found some groovy shops where we picked up a few items and ate ShaveIce. was awesome.  We were supposed to go on the whale watching trip today, however, the cruise line decided to put us at the 9:45 a.m. tour instead of the 1:00 that we requested.  We're whale watching tomorrow at noon, and hopefully it won't rain.

Vicki and I are having a blast, meeting new people, and checking out the ship.  We played trivia with a couple of women and came in second place.  We had such a blast that we made a date to play trivia every day for the duration of the cruise.  We've dubbed our group the "Golden Girls."  We found ou they're from Alaska and are traveling buddies. 

Tonight we're heading for the Mardi Gras Club where we'll line dance and party down.  As I write, Vicki is hanging out in the library and I'm sure having a tough time deciding which book(s) to check out!  :0)

Well, that's all our excitement for the past couple days. 

I'll write more tomorrow.  Aloha and Mahalo!

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My adventures with my camera.

Door County, Wisconsin

Peninsula State Park, Door County, Wisconsin