Friday, March 5, 2010

Kauai Day 2

Today is our last full day on the ship.  :0(  

Kauai is known as the garden island and is the oldest of the Hawaiian islands.  And, boy, they really know how to put on one heck of a luau.  Imagine 600 people in one place and you have to operate an open bar, buffet table AND entertain them.  They pulled it off without a hitch.  All you RCers would have appreciated the fare we had last night at the buffet.  The only thing we didn't venture to try was the poi.  And the entertainment:  Wow!  The main show told the story of the trials and tribulations of how the Hawaiians come to Kauai (I believe we were told they arrive approximately 100-200 A.D.) to live.  There were fire dancers, men and women dressed in very beautiful sarongs, shirts and leis.  (There were also men in tiny Tarzan type outfits that were very skimpy.  Loved those outfits!)  When you think of a Hawaiian lei you think flowers; however, we're finding on this trip that there are many types of leis, including shells leis, ku kui nut leis and braided cloth leis.

We arrived back at the ship around 9:15 last night and attended the variety show put on by the crew.  They have some very talented people on this ship and we were able to see people that we normally don't see behind the scenes perform on stage.  It was a good mixture of serious singing, comedy and general silliness. 

Tonight we've got a full schedule, probably because we set sail at 2:00 p.m. today and everyone has to be on the ship.  So, knowing that, we'll probably be running from one end of the ship to another tonight to catch all the shows.  :0)  We decided to do our packing this afternoon as we need to get our bags out in front of our stateroom door by midnight.  Packing just before midnight didn't sound like fun to us. 

Tomorrow we leave the ship.  (sigh)  But we do have one more excursion planned to Pearl Harbor and the U.S.S. Missouri.  After that they'll take us and our luggage to the airport where we'll sit around and wait until our flight takes off at 9:40 p.m.  I can't tell you how much we're looking forward to being cramped in an airplane for 5 hours unable to sleep.  It's just much more fun than we can handle.  You know I'm right!  :0)

Since this is our last full day on the ship, I won't be blogging again until I arrive home to share with you THAT adventure.  Hopefully it will go smoothly, barring any tsunamis, snowstorms or other weather-related activity.  :0)

Until we meet again....aloha, mahalo, pua, ohana, wahini (those are all the Hawaiian words I can remember!)

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My adventures with my camera.

Door County, Wisconsin

Peninsula State Park, Door County, Wisconsin