Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kauai Day 1

We traveled last night to arrive at Kauai this morning and will be here until tomorrow.  We're still getting accustomed to the movement of the ship when it's moving about, and sometimes when on land you'd swear the earth was moving.  :0)

Kauai is beautiful with mountains, beaches and chickens.  Yep, they have chickens running free throughout the island due to a hurricane that hit about 15 years ago and demolished their homes.  So now they just let them roam free.  Our driver told us the residents do not catch and eat the chickens.

Yesterday afternoon we took hula dance lessons.  We were so good that we're going to be certified hula dancers at the end of the cruise.  (If you believe we're that good, I have some swamp land to sell you!)  But seriously, we will get a certificate.  It was very interesting learning the meanings of the movements with your hands and all that hip shaking! 

Last night's entertainment was awesome also.  It was karaoke night in the Mardi Gras Club and they had a competition similar to American Idol.  Three passengers voted and critiqued the contestants to come up with a winner.  (One guy was dubbed "Simon.")  The lady who won sang Second Hand Rose and was awesome and won the competition.  Following the karaoke, they had the Dancing with the Stars competition where they paired up 8 staff and 8 passengers.  OMG, did it get crazy!  There was no criteria for participating in the dancing, and that made for some very interesting dancing.  What a blast that was!

Tonight we attend the luau on the island of Kauai.  We heard that 600 passengers from the ship are attending this luau (out of 2200) so it's going to be quite the experience.  After the luau the crew is putting on a show in the Hollywood Theatre aboard the ship for the passengers.  If it's half as good as the other entertainment we've seen all week, this should be awesome.

The one down side to a cruise is that they like to take pictures of the passengers.  Pictures, pictures, everywhere pictures:  with the captain, when you take an excursion, when you're eating dinner (no kidding, every night we've been approached by a photographer while we were eating), and again tonight they'll do it for the luau.  With 600 passengers attending the luau, it will be crazy.  The worst part is they put all the photos on the wall of shame that I told you about earlier for everyone to see.  Ugh.

Aloha from Kauai!

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Door County, Wisconsin

Peninsula State Park, Door County, Wisconsin