Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Goodbye Vancouver

My last day in Vancouver....I'm sad to go! I wish I could stay longer as there is so much more that I haven't seen.

My old roommates have all gone, but I had a new roommate last night--Racqueli (sp?)--who is from Zurich, Switzerland. She is very sweet, although I haven't really gotten a chance to speak with her. She went to sleep fairly early last night as she had been traveling for quite awhile without sleeping, and we only spoke a little this morning.

Yesterday, I toured the city again on a Big Bus--for free! I hopped on/hopped off at sites I wanted to see and it was a blast. I started out at Stanley Park's rose garden, had lunch on the waterfront, and ended up at Granville Island. It all was awesome. My favorite part of Vancouver is still Stanley Park....I could spend days there just exploring it. I will definitely have to come back to Vancouver.

This has been a great leg of my journey. It's interesting, as I walk around the city, I don't feel like I'm in another country. The Canadians are VERY friendly and helpful and the only crabby person I encountered was a Big Bus driver who loved using his horn on other drivers for the slightest traffic infraction. Sheesh! Speaking of Canadian drivers, if they even get a hint that you're going to cross the road at a crosswalk, they stop and waive you on. Amazing. I have never met such kind drivers. As for bicyclists, I read an article and some comments in the Vancouver Sun yesterday and the complaints are the same as we have in Madison (same things we were griping about at lunch last week). The weather has been sunny the entire time I've been here with a nice gentle breeze that makes it so comfortable. I can see why people want to be outdoors, especially since it rains all winter and most of the spring.

That being said, I can't wait to get back to the U.S.--home--and I'm looking forward to exploring Seattle before I come home on Friday.

I'll be posting tomorrow from Seattle....toodles!

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Door County, Wisconsin

Peninsula State Park, Door County, Wisconsin