Monday, July 20, 2009

This is NOT the Amazing Race, Judi!

It's early morning here in Vancouver and I'm still exhausted from yesterday. Never made it to Grouse Mountain yesterday and had hoped to make it today, but after all, this is my vacation, not the Amazing Race! Grouse Mountain and zip lining will have to wait until another time. I'm just going to take it easy today and hop on/hop off the Big Bus and see all the city sites I wanted to see on my first tour. It's free and hey, why not? I leave tomorrow by train back to Seattle.

Went to the Vancouver Aquarium yesterday and can't wait to show you the pictures. They have two new baby Beluga whales, as well as sea otters, sea lions, and dolphins. The displays of sea life inside the building were amazing....I've never seen these creatures in my life and they were amazing! Can't wait to show you my pictures.

Part of the reason I'm so tired is I stayed up later than usual and was chatting with my roommates. We have an interesting group in our dorm, Lindsay from Minneapolis, Elka from Germany, and Nagako from Japan. Lindsay came here for a conference for her job in a research lab at the University of Minnesota and extended her stay to do some sightseeing. Elka is from Germany and had very interesting stories to tell about her parents who were young people during WWII and her former roommates in another dorm room on the same floor (they were slobs). Nagako, I don't know much about, her English isn't very good and my Japanese is non-existent, so it's hard to communicate. Very fascinating people!

I'm off to see the city....toodles!

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Door County, Wisconsin

Peninsula State Park, Door County, Wisconsin