Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Not all hostels are created equally

So it seems. This hostel is more like one big dorm.....people and things everywhere. NO privacy....not even your room...not even your floor! This is an old house that they just stuck bunk beds in each many as they could. I have to go down two flights of stairs just to use the bathroom, and I haven't even found the showers yet. Ugh! I won't be staying here another night.

On a brighter note, yesterday I had a fascinating day people watching in Vancouver. You know how people walk their dogs (everyone has a dog in Vancouver, it seems), there was a guy walking along the sea wall with a snake! I kid you not....I had to take a second look. Further up the path there sits a guy with a green bird (macaw?), sitting on a picnic bench with his bird on his finger like it was the most normal thing in the world.

I spent most of the day at Stanley Park before heading to the train station and that proved interesting also. While sitting on a bench in the lost lagoon, I see this raccoon come up behind me, sniff around and duck into the bushes. I looked at the two men standing on the bridge who were watching with great interest as to what I would do and I asked them if raccoons bite. They shook their heads no and I went back to reading my paper. I also met a couple ladies who were not just being overly friendly, but had an agenda. That's right, they were Jehovah Witnesses. One was from Korea and the other from Toronto. After politely explaining I had my own religion, they left me alone. Whew! People are very interesting, aren't they?

The trip back on the train was very relaxing....we need a rail system in the U.S., this is the way to travel! Lots of leg room, you can get up and move around, get a snack, take pictures....sure beats flying in a cramped airplane.

Well, I'm off to check out of this place and find me another hotel and begin exploring Seattle! Until tomorrow....toodles!

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Door County, Wisconsin

Peninsula State Park, Door County, Wisconsin